Monday, April 16, 2012

scary seoistorii

Yesterday, sitting with the young of the webmasters. school. around the campfire for a bottle of tea, and asked them to tell a few horror stories at night to nibble his nerves. Well, if asked, I remember a couple of them that I was told when I was just walking by and under the seostol a walk.

Held once a young satellite past the cemetery govnosaytov and accidentally fell under the filter. He sits, then a filter, thinking how to get out, and suddenly hears a voice. He listened - just someone comes and says: ' A good site, bad site good site, bad site. ' Scared satellite, but it has nothing to do, one must get out from under the filter. And he shouted ' Help! .

The steps came nearer, and saw a young satellite up an old man 's head. The old man he was in rags and with one eye. 'I' - he says - ' Plato, superintendent of the local cemetery, and who are you? ' . Get me out of the filter! ... Jumping the red rays of the body satellite. And danced for several minutes and then dropped his pants, Plato, and threw down his trust, ' clutched at it, satellite, and I'll elongated! ' . And Plato was an old man pulled a satellite out of the filter. Pulled, pulled, tugged, pulled and. pulled the satellite to its trust. And there was a satellite perspective SOM, and became a regular govnosaytom. Here he is a wily old man, Plato.

And the second story.

Once upon a time there was a girl. In the morning she made sites, and the night wore black clothes and started spamming dory. So she would have lived, but once her mother became ill and called to his. She told the daughter, which was formerly their grandmother, but for many years, as she disappeared into the dark forest of the internet, once registered to classmates. Since then, her body lies in a separate room in the house, and the soul wanders and aims of two classmates. And my mother asked the girl to find a grandmother, because only she knew the magical theme for the TCI, which would help the girl make a lot of money and buy a medicine my mother.

The girl wore her black dress and went down to the basement, where the magic lay in his sleep next to the monitor 's grandmother, and her hands were scribbled on the keyboard, not stopping for a moment. The girl sat down, took out his notebook and connected with his grandmother on the Wi-Fi. And the girl did not have time to go to the page in the grandmother's classmates, as she saw viziterku and threw herself into her profile to put Coke in all her photos. The girl screamed in pain and regret, but it was too late - her pictures have fallen in the ranking of the low- low. A grandmother laughed out loud and disappeared.

The girl returned home and saw that my mother is healthy, as previously. The girl was surprised, but my mother explained that she wanted to be higher in the ranking of their daughter, and therefore sent her to her grandmother. ' But what about the issue of TCI? ' . ' But where did the old grandmother, who only complain on his blog knows, the subject of TCI? ' .

That's because the girl was left without a rating on classmates, CY, and no subject had an argument with family. Since then, she always wears black clothes and deals only with dorami because he knows that the easy money is not the subject of satellites.

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