Tuesday, April 24, 2012

An alternative view of solar energy

Indeed, Germany is not as rich in sunshine country, it would seem a strange place is a leader in solar energy. The country is leading the world in installed capacity of renewable energy sources and ranks third as a producer of solar panels after China and Japan. The share of electricity generated is from renewable sources in 2007. reached 14. 2% (compared with 11. 7% in 2006. ) A company Q-Cells, based near r. Wolfen ( north of Leipzig ), is one of the world's largest manufacturers of photovoltaic cells for solar panels. Research and development in solar energy in Germany to some extent by about 160 institutions.

Of course, the maximum amount of electricity in Germany comes from burning coal and from nuclear power plants. But coal as a source of electricity is becoming increasingly unpopular with the environmental point of view, and nuclear power - for fear of accidents. In 1991,. Germany passed a law under which the state allowed the various forms of support to companies investing in renewable energy. In accordance with this Act, electricity produced from renewable sources, was sold at artificially low and constant for 20 years, rates. For example, electricity from photovoltaic systems installed on rooftops in 2007. Can be sold at. 0. 49 euros per kW ∙ h. ( 7-fold lower than the current rate ) up to 2027 g. Fixed price allows the investor to predict the potential costs and revenues.

But the German government wavered (perhaps under the influence of subsidies to producers bypassed other sources of electricity) and proposes to revise the law of 1991. , Which can lead to a shift from solar energy to other forms of renewable energy sources, such, for example, wind installations. Under the new proposals, the tariff for solar electricity will increase. Perhaps the new Government's proposals will make producers of solar panels to reduce their cost of production, so as not to lose in competition with other energy sources. Under the influence of global solar hype there was a shortage of raw silicon for solar cells, which led to a sharp rise in price (from. $ 25. / kg in 2003. to. 400 USD. / kg today. ). As a result, only in 2007. in the world, including in Russia, was founded more than 20 new productions designed to eliminate the imbalance in production and demand, and reduce the cost of silicon feedstock.

While the German government establishes the situation with the tariffs, ... Many, believing expensive silicon cells begin to actively develop parallel thin film technology. There is hope that the German cleantech could survive without additional subsidies from the state. The problem of storing accumulated in the sunny days of electricity for use at night and on cloudy days.

Rigid view of the future of solar energy (in particular, about the dangers of solar boom for the development of this industry ), expressed. Arthur W. Zafiropoulo. , Chairman, President and CEO. Ultratech. (San Jose, California, USA) in an interview with International Semiconductor. Below - some quotes from his interview:.

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- ... Now this line of research, development and production survives only thanks to state subsidies. As soon run out of subsidies, interest will drop once the sun ...

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- ... The current price of coal, nuclear and solar energy sources -. 0. 05, 0. 07. and. 3. 9 USD. / kW. , respectively. Then we consider the unit cost of these very sources: nuclear power -. 8000 dollars. / kW. , Coal -. 6000 dollars. / kW. and the sun -. from 60,000 to 70,000 dollars. / kW. Can a price be reduced? . Government now pays 90% of investment. I think that Europe two years later abandon the idea of ​​solar. Will follow it relentlessly, only India and China - they have so much sun ...

After several years of German domination of the world's manufacturers of solar cells in 2007. Championship moved to China (China in 2007. produced solar cells with total capacity of 1,200 MW against 875 MW, made ​​in Germany). Chinese manufacturer of solar modules. Suntech. increased production by 110%. This is a major leap. Suntech. shall not need these sunny countries like China itself, Taiwan or India, and significant sales to European countries and mainly in Germany.

High demand for solar panels in Germany, holds the highest prices for them all over the world, even in ... According to the many fans of solar energy, if under the influence government decisions in Germany and will shift to the wind turbine, it will not stay long. Do wind turbines (as opposed to solar cells ) do not have much potential for development. In the end, the sun will take her (or rather, give ).


P. S. read. interview with the author of this digest.

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