Thursday, April 26, 2012

In Minsk, again, mass arrests - (Photo Video )

As always on Wednesday, July 20 in Minsk, in fact, entered the military situation.
Recall that a group of 'Revolution through social networks ' encouraged people to come in 19. 00 on October Square in Minsk center. People intend to continue to just clap their hands in protest against government policies.
Even an hour before the rally in October Square area was a large concentration of police officers in uniform and in civilian clothes with loud speakers, radios, cameras, and even, as the ' Radio Liberty ', with the gas cans. Lane closed on Independence Avenue - A special machine has placed cones - to reduce traffic flow. In the past actions of the protesters kept passing cars signals.
Buses with riot police were also in all the yards next to the October Square. Journalists were warned that they should be in the ' safe place ' during the event. They were ordered to retreat 30 meters from the square to the street Engels. This means a de facto ban on shooting the action itself and the actions of police officers.
Meanwhile, down the avenue, from the GUM department store, has already gathered a group of young people. People were standing in the supermarket and McDonald's ' Central '. Police shot the operators of the video.
When people began to leave on October Square, they immediately flew riot police in black, and began to displace. The Special Forces have become a chain and pushed the audience. Squeezed out from the area of ​​people clapping.
' Were cleaned ' even the steps of the Palace of the Republic. Sitting there with a youth driven square.

Nearby, in the vicinity of the hotel ... People crammed into buses and taken away.

' The ban on the profession ' for journalists is still in force. When they were interviewing one of the protesters on the square, they were immediately approached the police. Deputy Head of the Minsk police Igor Evseev began to shout in order to stop an interview with journalists. Yevseyev also ordered journalists to leave a hundred meters, otherwise it will be treated as unauthorized action.
On the approaches to the GUM department store before the turn of men in civilian clothes blocked the road protesters, mostly young people, who clapped their hands. Protesters chanted ' Change! '. There and then drove the bus without license plates. They seized about 10 people.

Reported arrests in the theater ' Victory '.