Sunday, April 15, 2012

Georgia has decided on the enemy number one

Georgia continues to rely on the U.S. as an ally in NATO in particular with regard to placement on the Georgian territory of U.S. missile defense system. In the meantime, peace on the borders of Georgia's breakaway republics of Russia and guarantees a checkpoint where he had been a correspondent for Radio Liberty.

Georgian checkpoint on the border with South Ossetia, as expected, guarded by Kalashnikov-toting soldiers were silent and sullen. To the left are seen the outskirts of Tskhinvali, some thirty miles behind - Gori. The military offer a glimpse into a small loophole, 20 by 40 cm, the shelter. A total of fifty meters on a flagpole flying the Russian flag next to him - covered with a camouflage net Russian checkpoint. Taking photographs is not recommended. On the way back to Gori are constantly encountered armed military. In the border villages and ruined a lot of dilapidated houses, the streets of mostly older men. In Gori itself, we show the newly rebuilt, shining bright paint residential buildings. In August, the Georgian explain companions, these houses shelled Tskhinvali by Russian tanks and missiles ... Today, the territory of the breakaway republic of South Ossetia, the Russian offensive was overrun with weapons, a worrying sign that the Georgian authorities, says the head of the Committee on Defense and Security of Parliament of Georgia, Givi Targamadze.

... - This is the heavy weapons, which is present in the Russian army, it is in very large quantities placed in the occupied territories. And it is so close that the bombing of Tbilisi will be ordinary, ...

According to Deputy Chairman of Georgian Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs George Kandelaki, the very fact of being in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, a large number of Russian arms directly affected, including Georgia's economy:.

- Imagine, you - the investor, and Georgia actually takes place in various high ratings, impressive progress, we are less corrupt country than even the three members of the European Union... And you come and say this is all interesting, it's all good, but I read yesterday . This, of course, does not promote any investment - said Giorgi Kandelaki.

In the nearest future the Georgian parliament will consider a draft of the new concept of security, which is called the primary threat to the State of Georgia. This - Russia, says the chairman of the Committee on Defence and Security Givi Targamadze:.

- We would be very happy if our main partners have provided missile defense in the first place Georgia. Unfortunately, we can not now say that Georgia has some more tangible enemy, except for Russia. And we have to define this new concept of security. This is not just a ...

According to Russian military expert Alexander Golts, a similar concept of security - it is rather bureaucratic response to the decisions taken by the country's leadership. The recognition of the paramount threat to Russia for Georgia - it is a formality in the political circumstances which are obvious and without concepts:.

- Georgia, even if it has announced three Russian threat is very limited in the means and opportunities to realize this once its setup, - says Alexander Golts.

The phrase ... No doubt, they argue that Russia began in August 2008, a five-day bloody war with Georgia, which resulted in the capture of Georgian territories in which there are self-proclaimed republics of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Opposite charges heard from the Russian side against Georgia. Recently, the Russian press published excerpts from the supposedly still -open files on your site Vikileaks, namely, from the correspondence of some U.S. diplomats. From the materials that a day before the August 8, the official start of the war, the Georgian military command claimed that during the fighting took control of most of South Ossetia, including Tskhinvali. The Georgian side has accused the Russian media that they quoted material ... And perhaps soon emerge in the Georgian press quite different information about who started a five-day August war in 2008.