Monday, April 23, 2012

Indelible image of ' sinner ' Lukashenko

In a small Belorussian village stands the church of Beaver. Bells, crosses, icons - all right, only one of the local bishops it is not sanctified. Come, see the fresco ' The Last Judgement ', and tormented by doubt, one of the sinners on the Day of Judgment they obviously someone like. 'When the priest came, I saw this mural, he said, Sasha, like the sinner that is similar to Lukashenko. I said, ' Father! .

Hand once wrote herself, said township artists, like who ruled over. And this, incidentally, was a holy blessing. There is a stamp and signature on the project. The priests of habit to check who is depicted saint, sinners are not inspected. And people like Lukashenko, is now standing before the Lord, and on the scales sins - and lukavstvo zloblivost - outweigh the virtues. ' The priest says to me: Sasha, if you are not correct, I be deported to a remote village, it is necessary, until there are forests, to correct something ' - says Pushkin.

And the artist painted in ink all sinful company: and a man with a mustache, and the whore and riot police, and the Belarusian Bishop Filaret, who was also, to the consternation of the prior, written down in a sinful. ' After three weeks, he came to the temple and saw the back and the apparent image Lukashenko Filaret. He says the image appeared back! . This, then, God's will. And so it remained a ', - says the artist.

The church is well worth it. 7 years in rural parishioners pray in the temple of unsanctified. Did not even ask. Know that you either stsarapat fresco plaster up, that is no longer apparent, or wait until a man, like a sinner, will cease to be president.

Does Alexander Lukashenko has come up with yet another referendum to remain president, and if not he, then who in the future to lead Belarus - now the main issue. The last gas conflict with Russia only polarized people's opinions. Who loved Lukashenko - was more like, who did not like - respectively.


Before the parliamentary elections the opposition in once, combined. Single candidate for president is not called. They say that from this policy in Belarus disappear without a trace. We are confident that you can now defeat Lukashenko: it is in front of Trump refuses to Russian. ' The only real reason for pushing him into the arms of the Kremlin, was the hope that it will take place in the Kremlin leadership - believes the Belarusian co-chairman of the National Front Yuri Khodyko. - Once it has evaporated, Lukashenko immediately changed the course '.

But while at the helm of Lukashenko, Belarus Academy of Sciences, even gets him order the. Up to how many discoveries, scientists must make in this quarter.

However, this week the system is still cracked. Belarusian Union of Youth - the people ' Lukomol ' - lost cell in Baranavichy. 120 people moved into the opposition movement ' Bison '. ' I'm tired of that mess in the country: do not give a normal person to say the word and not allowed to work ', - says Nikita Sasim.

Nikita 's mother, Svetlana Sasim glue cooks in the kitchen. This is a response to pressure from the authorities, who are accused of betraying the youth, had been transferred to the opposition. Leaflets will be covered with half the town. ' If I was young, too, that would be dealt with. It is terrible for him ' - says Svetlana Sasim.

Graffiti - also protests. Three dozen of the walls that night was decorated with his favorite phrase, he must go. All scarves on their faces. They say now there is a thing to fear. ... Such shares as two years ago, when the baton from the Luba lost consciousness, the opposition is not happy for a long time. They say the election and save energy. Who better to be cautious.

While our crew was working in Baranovichi in a hotel room in Minsk someone entered and stole a folder with the documents of the recent gas conflict. The information is not secret, the public reference material.

Who Belarus to be - a dove or a hawk - and with whom in the end it should be, Alexander Lukashenko, it seems, has not decided. And in his own isolation, can be seen, not always, and will deal out there that they have in the East and West.

March 4 presidential press service of the Republic shall send to all the media message: Alexander G. congratulated Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder on his 60th birthday. After an hour on the same form: Schroeder congratulated Lukashenko on behalf of the void. Greetings from Germany said: ' Do Chancellor anniversary next month, but we appreciate the desire to cooperate with the Minsk Europe '. Do remember about the anniversary of Lukashenko Schroeder month later, when Belarus once again ends with a gas contract with Russia, it is difficult to predict. Equation of motion of the pendulum of political Lukashenko has no one solved.


Belarusian-Russian scandals occur with the regularity of attacks of malaria. So last week - a new. Alexander Lukashenko once again owed ​​for gas. Three times a month ...

President Lukashenko immediately agreed to pay, not failing, however, cry about the sad fate of the Belarusian people, robbing Russians. ... Are we not collect this $ 200 million? .

I must say, the Belarusian president does not necessarily strip the victims of Chernobyl. After all that gas that ... In this state resale Belarusian company - and the president, who controls the entire economy - it is making in the year, several hundred million. Completely destroyed by the Belarusian economy, there is only due to subsidies from Russia. Belarus pays for Russian domestic prices for gas and for rail transportation. The total customs border with Russia allow the official to engage in smuggling, and the chief smuggler, until recently, was a firm ... Its turnover was evaluated by experts in the $ 1 billion a year.

Belarus received from Russia $ 140 million of the loan, much of which was in the same Russian banks at interest rates close to zero. So doing, when the borrower wants to cut it in half with a bank and real interest rates to drive off to Switzerland. In return, we promise to Mr. Lukashenko to join Russia. These promises are not met consistently. He promised to introduce a single currency as from 1 July - not entered. He promised to pay for gas - does not pay. He promised - in exchange for preferential prices for gas - a gas transport consortium, and to give back ... Not given, and instead put the humiliating condition to pay for useless tubes ... It is with a market capitalization of ... Mr. Lukashenko wants union rights in someone else's gut worms. Worm completely in allowance, but it is autonomous.

As you know, Vladimir Gusinsky and Mikhail Khodorkovsky was punished for the opposition to the regime. But none of them did not allow himself even a hundredth part of what allows a person is completely economically dependent on Russia.

None of them received from the state loan at paltry interest, is not advised, ... - ... None, disrupting the process of unification is not claimed that the ...

But the oligarchs! . Besides, to restore order in Belarus is easier than in Chechnya. It's enough to not support Lukashenko and the opposition. What we deceive Lukashenko, it is unclear. The official reasons do not hold. To believe in his promise to marry can not be. Country in which opponents of the regime disappear without a trace, never to unite the country, which disappears until only Rybkin.