Wednesday, April 18, 2012

An increase in pay - why should it ask?

1) carries with pen and paper work. Why are we in this house number ve - it is not clear, but suddenly come in handy. The fact that the pens and paper becomes smaller with time - the owners are accustomed to before you, so do not be nit-picking.

2) Why go to the store and buy a new CD-ROM. There it costs 150 rubles. But it's their money. And from the bourgeois did not lose anything if we merge 700 MB to 1. 5rub. per megabyte. Yes, and just nice to once again podvytryasti his wallet.

3) The House of a small hard drive? . And quietly the evening make a new drive to replace your old. At work, a lot of space is not necessary, but at home games, movies, pictures. In the same way get hold good vidyuhi, DVD -drive.

4 ) List the consumables? . Volochem quietly home. Anyway, no one is not enough. They EXPENSES, and tend to end.

5) We know how to do something else? . A fax, internet, party supplies for work - it is already there, no one prochuhaet, be sure.

6) possess valuable infoy? . Competitors are already waiting. The customer base, the base entries - all will fit.

7 ) List the Cash? . What do you think, why declarants work for 10 thousand. rub. buy a car for 50 thousand. bucks?.

8) Allocate money for the purchase of goods. Tender? . The tender is won, the money received. The higher the difference, the more you win.

9) There is an additional paid job, they want to pay over to the side? . We find the company on which all make out, and make ourselves. All of our grandmother.

10) Is it possible to deduct ( an old technique, for example)? . After the cancellation technique supposed to dispose of or sell. So is anyone win if its buy out.

Good luck in the fight against capitalism, damn!.

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