Sunday, April 1, 2012

Alain Vladimir is calling on casting:)

If you 're reading this, you can get a profit right now. Or come to work, or get a 1000 for what is right will recommend.
Here are the details:.

vacancy of the day: we (@ Pruffi) are looking for the head of the Ukrainian office in 3500. e.
Dull eychary seeking candidates for the twentieth - you to us do not! .
Work from March. Sobesedovatsya with me this Saturday in Kiev.
Recommendations and summary only through. PRUFFI Friends. :).
Payment for successful tips EUR 1,000.

source. http://www. facebook. com/PRUFFI/posts/327142363988928. via. Alain.

PS. Alain will be personally. ACT 28. ;) Have a chance to attack her personally.

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