Saturday, March 24, 2012

What is the power of XP

Although the net. XP. now and few people use, mostly by combining the practice of. XP. with other processes, I still want a little bit to deal with the fact of what actually is Extreme Programming. So, here are the basic practices, principles and rules. XP. :.

  1. Onsite. Customer.

  2. Small. Iterations.

  3. Simple. Design.

  4. Continuous. Integration.

  5. Refactoring.

  6. TDD.

  7. Coding. Standards. Conventions.

  8. Pair. Programing.

  9. Collective. Code. Ownership.

  10. Planing. Games.

And now let's see, what is the function of one or another component. XP. during. So:.

a. Onsite. Customer. ru. Small. Iterations. ru. Simple. Design.

We write what that means: the team has the opportunity to interact with customers 'on -the-fly ' to get a new / modified requirements and provide results to the. Review. At the same time due to short iterations are placed close to the problem, the result of the work on which is discussed with the customer and taking steps to correct the course. And by simple technological solutions team can deliver. competitive. rate.


Onsite. Customer. ru. Small. Iterations. ru. Simple. Design. =. Maximum. Agility.

that is, we really get a real flexibility in the design and the lack of ' extra ' work.

2. Continuous. Integration. ru. Refactoring. ru. TDD. ru. Coding. Standards.

Maximum flexibility, which we implemented using practices from paragraph 1, unfortunately, is fraught with problems with the quality of. Yes, in principle, in any manufacturing process should be tools for quality control and assurance. And due to what we can guarantee quality. XP. :.

Continuous Integration allows you to quickly identify and correct coding errors. refactoring. tidies the code that appears under the banner '. Simple. Design. ', And for. TDD. it is necessary as the air. himself. TDD. allows you to maintain the principle of '. SimpleDesign. '. Coding standards in addition to the positive impact on the quality, as required for the other principle. XP. Which will be mentioned below - Joint Ownership Code.


Continuous. Integration. ru. Refactoring. ru. TDD. ru. Coding. Standard. =. Quality. Assurance.

3. Pair. Programing. ru. Collective. Code. Ownership. ru. Planing. Games.

This means that the whole team together planning tasks in the course of clarifying and explaining the essence of the problem for everyone, and especially its implementation (yes, yes. and killing the hours of 2-4 on the. Planing. Session. in each iteration). And then the whole team together to program, changing pairs and carrying the cross. Code. Review. Due to this we are not afraid of such things as sudden illness of key developers, vacation, moving to another project, dismissal (:)) and other garbage that is sometimes so inappropriately merges all the planning in the toilet. We also reduce the cost of entry for new developers to the team.


Pair. Programing. ru. Collective. Code. Ownership. ru. Planing. games. =. Reliable. Process.

So, we have determined that the claimed components. XP. give us the following values:.

  1. High Flexibility.

  2. high quality.

  3. High Reliability Process.

In the next post we'll look at what else there is the relationship between the elements. XP. For example, due to what practices we can minimize the amount of documentation.

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