Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Router MWNAPR- 1 produced by EPCT / Minitar

News_13328_1_MDA router or a router - a network device that provides forwarding of data packets between network segments based on network specifications and internal settings. Router MWNAPR- 1 produced by EPCT / Minitar - a compact, classically designed device. The size of the enclosure - 30 x 187 x 100 mm. Fourteen LEDs located on the front panel of the router, allow you to monitor its operation. A rigorous external device would look appropriate in any office space, and the home environment from him, too, is not much affected.

It is unlikely that someone might want to have four home LAN- port (10/100M), a WAN- port (10/100M) and support for DHCP ( Server / Client). Router MWNAPR- one can ' give ' Internet subscribers 253 LAN - this equipment is the place somewhere in the back of a large enterprise. In completing the device includes three external antennas, which can be removed if you do not use the wireless capabilities the device or, alternatively, be replaced by a more powerful, if necessary. This unit you can buy in bulk at our website. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 2500 rubles.

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