Wednesday, March 21, 2012

In six minutes, until Monday

A few words about the box: we continue to invest. Purchased blowtorch for PVC pipes and Electrokos. Moved to an office in downtown. hired a manager. all of the budget. Prepared for the press a lot of models. But you have to make another big pile. In general, business, though simple at first glance a lot of work with the minutiae. Example? . But the oil to it, we got ourselves. To ask Fraser cutters, grinders to want to have cut-off wheels. Like a cheap little thing, but a man of her absence is not so convenient. But overall I am satisfied and relaxed - although this business does not make money yet, but does not put us on their knees to their development. Develop in the future and ohotku. And I'm curious to go back at least a little off.

Launched the club during the test period for all options exchanges. The first reviews are encouraging. Interest in the stock exchange also has a. We've added filters, raised the minimum price. In general, all according to plan. I think this weekend will finish play on my own and start - your. Optimizers must be satisfied. I am very pleased with the almost. That's how the optimizer. As the owner, I have not really realized what was happening.

Bitumen. reborn. In the stock market entered a partner, hired a programmer. Within a month, plan to completely change the system of credits and placements. Exchange banner will get more chances, but will keep, including the auction system and a flexible approach to formats. In particular will be a fixed location.

The situation on the working draft somewhat flattened. We almost passed the magazine, nearly finished tendering portal and only one -it-yourself - know -who picks a media guide.

Recently, more and more began to ask, what is more beneficial to SEO in terms of earnings. I bow to that for the best - option is to seek the sale of real things via the Internet, does not matter - goods or services. Ultimately, all these links, banners and other virtual goods - only helps to sell real goods. I think that will do a separate post on this subject, trying to think how best to arrange this business.

By the way, there is an interesting idea to product. If anyone is interested and you know who to make the idea of ​​the brain associated with the definition of the facility within 300- 500m, write to - share. Especially Googled - without thinking anything like there was no.

Before the weekend at the club turned a detective. And nothing is over. But my nerves shook me. The conclusion made ​​only one: sometimes you have to be easier. And easier to relate to life.

The club added to the sale of the base R-Base - 100 million. keywords from the statistics lira. The cost for members is reduced relative to the official. I figured that for those who are going to buy any software or database, the cost of getting to the club compensated for one or two of purchase. But this is so, the argument.

Semrash. provided for testing missile -account. play around. wait for the post. Although the deal is not so easy. Despite the simplicity of the report.

By the way, I bought last week cushion with buckwheat husks. It smells like a brick, and buckwheat to the touch. But almost got used to. Although at times I want her back with polyester beads.

In Kaliningrad, the rains came. Well, that summer rains - nezatyazhnye. Pour in the morning and then dry the whole day. But there is no previous heat. Girls dressed pantyhose, guys pulled jerseys. And in two weeks will be a day of. I'll have to blame this time.

In recent years, only one thought: it's time to leave, it's time for vacation.

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