Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Innovative techniques distinguish individuals


ScienceDaily (Mar. 16, 2011 ) -. not. surprisingly, the most numerically social network on the Internet - it is. Facebook. Recognizing people. person. very important for our engagement in society and is a major cause of visual perception that researchers are trying to figure out how the human brain distinguishes. people.

In a study recently published in the journal Journal of Vision, scientists used a rather novel approach - a method. which. sent to the brain are weak, but the signals at frequent appearance and disappearance. photos. at a constant rate for. evaluation of its sensitivity to the perception of the distinctive features of. people. This technique is called. a fixed potential of the visual. (. wages fund. ).

'. If you measure the overall activity of the human brain at a time when he looks at one. face. , Then it is impossible to distinguish from brain activity at a time when a person looks at a completely different. face. '. said. Bruno Rossion,. Dr.. ,. researcher at the Institute of Psychology and Neuroscience Institute at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. '. That's why we rely on the method by which brain activity is compared with repeated demonstration of a person or with a consistent demonstration of various. people. '.

During the experiment, 12 participants were shown a selection of different. people. Which appeared on the screen with a frequency of 3.5 persons per second. The results showed that brain signals were much stronger in the sequential display of different. people. Than the repeated demonstration of one and the same person.

The research team was pleasantly surprised by such a large difference in the results obtained after only fifteen minutes after the start of the experiment, and at the same time impressed by the fact that this difference was not observed when. people. were inverted. The study also confirmed that it was the back of the right hemisphere of the brain responsible for perception. people.

The ability to recognize. people. often lost in the sudden damage the back of the brain in neurodegenerative. disease. x, such as Alzheimer's disease, in various forms of dementia and social disorders like autism. Rossion. drew attention to the fact that the advantage of using a highly sensitive method in the wages fund is that it can be objectively tested and compared in different groups of people - adults, infants, children, patients with neurological diseases, disorders of people with long recognition. people. - Without any complicated instructions, and long-term testing.

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