Monday, March 26, 2012

provocative post

1) It shall be an unexpected.

If the blog consists of such items, the effect will be less each subsequent. Of course, influences, and general background. It is hard to get attention, which is currently involved in the same provocative post. But once the skies cleared, you can make stuffing. So keep an eye on the blogosphere and write routine articles, podzhizhaya the right moment.

2) The timing and urgency.

Post shoot more, if it falls on a heated public. Therefore it is always interesting positions, where there is a link to a public figure - their famous works in your paper every day. At the same time to finish off articles attract less attention, when everyone is walked on or Bormaleyu Arbaytenu, it is difficult to say something new that will interest a wide.

Is optimal when the hysteria has subsided, and slightly covered with dust. April Fool's joke hardest shot among those who does not keep track of time and when the calendar is not April 1. In fact, the effect can be explained very simply: the information does not disappear, it takes the brain a certain place, and it monitors the up to the moment when a person with dignity, says ' I knew '. So my wife remembers her husband when he last got drunk, and he told her pilezhku old guest Tiffany. T. e. best when the information is no longer pops up in my head every day, but has not yet been replaced by other more vivid memories.

Of course, this does not apply to cases where the subject is constantly reminded of his. For example, a provocation or a joke about the president will be funnier and more noticeable than about Chubais.

3) Conflict.

The nature of laughter - in conflict with the usual picture of the world that which conveys the narrator. The more complicated to put one on another, the more ridiculous the situation is. For example, we have an absurd moment that the president buys bread at the supermarket. Or that the founder of IKEA, the billionaire rides a bike to work. Although you do not mind that your neighbors and friends do the same.

Absurd - probably the most accurate word to write a provocative post. Ironically, many believe even complete idiocy in the text - people are generally trusting. You as the author is only on hand. Who believed amplify the effect of fasting.

There is such a thing as truth, although I believe that absolute truth in terms of human psychology does not exist. You can cut 200 grams of butter, but it is impossible to weigh the validity of the information. What did people seem correct one, while the second will be resent injustice. According to my observations as due to a conflict - will be presented in the article is true or false, it will interest other things being equal the same as if it may sound blasphemous. Few care about the truth, most waiting for the show.

So, the absurd or the truth - it does not matter, as long as it conflicted with the usual pattern with respect to the subject of articles. By the way, is why the positive positions attracted much less attention.

4) Srach.

The greater the struggle, the less you trust. So calm down, the best opponents - it is your readers. Leave them to compete in wit. Nothing would be a fantasy person, as an opportunity to provide verbal resistance to another person.

And if srach not started yet, it means that you can not create a conflict - the picture in my head coincided with the way readers.

5) Support.

Enlist the support of several top bloggers, if they do not interfere in the srach. The chip is here in the dissemination of information theory. While you are the only source - the weight of small articles. As soon as someone else confirm or refute this information, the total weight of the article increases. Therefore, the role played by the weight of personal references. This is the case when A is greater than B of A and B separately together.

The ideal case where the subject of the article spills beyond your blog, and begins to exist separately, creating their own information space. When a man plunge into it, and then get on your blog - the total trust and loyalty will be provided from the first words.

6) The Dirt.

I do not remember who it was said, ' not to say, just to say '. Today, many adhere to this principle, so that nobody will be surprised the next assaults. The same Tinkoff pleased to read and retweet review of various media and blogs. What is there to be embarrassed? .

Well, if you are honest and conscientious people, the most important thing for you - be confident in their own words. Because then you will not care if in the end it turns out that you were wrong. What is important now.

For those who like to take care of karma is always possible to create a comic provocative post - in the style of April 1. And karma is intact, and the people in the comments posretsya.

7) Stay cool.

Do not allow himself to be drawn into a discussion. In the end, a moped is not your. Many provocation ruined irrepressible activity of authors. They forgot that the main instrument to promote such articles - rumor. Do not cut the wings of this bird to his explanations and arguments.

By the way, even boobs attract less attention than a good provocation.

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