Sunday, March 18, 2012

In Finland, will Angry Birds Land

It seems that the casual game Angry Birds will soon materialize in the Finnish amusement park and recreation. Angry Birds Land in a place Särkänniemi Adventure Park will be the first of many theme parks with Angry Birds, which aims to ... This was reported by Harri Koponen (Harri Koponen), executive vice president of marketing and licensing company Rovio, speaking of the cult game developer called Angry Birds.

Koponen has promised that all the other details will be disclosed during the year and are available in the blog and Särkänniemi page on Facebook.

... Born in Finland, Angry Birds won the hearts of people of all ages around the world. And this is precisely what we need our Park recreation ... ,.

- The head of Särkänniemi Adventure Park Miikka Seppala (Miikka Seppälä).

Do not be amiss to note that over the past two years, the brand Angry Birds Rovio company earned more than one hundred million dollars.

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