Friday, March 30, 2012

Clients: Moscow and the provinces, who is better?

At the regional budget of the client is much less and much less knowledge. Having been to dozens of seminars, I can say with confidence that the level of the client in advance in the regions - an extremely low. What can I say, it is low even among the majority of employees web studios that offer a promotion or placement on some of their portals. Since I have a diversified company, I often play the role of the contact person for the travel agency or car rental, when we try to vparit another panacea for search engines.

Total have budgets of between 3 and 10 thousand. rubles, for which you regularly fuck the brains. One of my clients call every week with a wild howl. However, he had 25 requests, the site at the old URL govnodzhumle with horse and monstrous navigation. Therefore, the stability, even after a year there is no - today is the first, tomorrow the fifth, seventh day after tomorrow, next week - the second. Provide more, I can not, and frankly, I do not want - there is not enough free capacity for the money.

What is easier to work with regional demands. All the salt in the work mostly with regional demands. Often they are quite easy to output to the top. There are exceptions, but generally the result can be achieved with little bloodshed. Sometimes, even when the cost of such a low payment may be only 10-20% of the total bill. In the case of problem customers or strong resistance to the search engines costs jump to 50 % of the total bill, but usually within two to three months can bring them back to the usual 25-30%.

The second advantage - the fact that there is a ceiling on the cost of such clients. Above a certain strip of money simply is not needed. Therefore, it is easy to determine the pricing policy. The third advantage - the relative ease of separation. To survive, we must have a lot of customers, and if someone leaves - on the company's operations are not affected. In general, if the client does not like something - let him go his own way. Never no one tried to keep.

But the big plus - for clients such well- drilled in the work on complex queries. Some would say that this training is due to the client - it is not. Just working with a large number of clients in various industries, you get rich statistics, which will never gather on five to seven regular clients. So, where part of the SEO gets tough specialization, work with the Regionals makes you a versatile, capable of good-quality level of work with any queries and at the federal level.

From Moscow I have a strange relationship, because I am not looking for clients to promote and nowhere does not advertise its services - clients are my own. The first two clients - working with them did not work for various reasons. And probably, I just was not ready then to work properly with federal requests. Two recent clients have come this year - both on the recommendation, and the second recommended first.

Moscow is not squeezed by costs - the numbers do not scare them, although the numbers of serious and they dismiss. Moscow tempted more in terms of SEO, as a rule, each of the companies went through not just one or two prodvizhentsev. The knowledge level - different. There are also more friendly, there are quite distant from the network. Moscow is much more focused on business results than in the top position - Regionals think more about the positions in the top, even if requests are known incorruptibility. Moscow less conservative in terms of changes in the semantic core. And in the end they are easier to pay. Although sometimes they have to podolbit the tambourine to get their money.

There is one important difference from the Moscow regional customers. Moscow wants to get a particular result, and your level not particularly interest them, if this result is. Regional look at you as a god who will sell them - and sometimes it's too heavy burden, although there has its charms like punching his vision of how best to.

You can work with those with other. Time to 5 regional customers spent as much as 1 in Moscow, if we exclude the documentary component, which can also be simplified. For the money - the ratio is almost the same and sometimes even 1-on -3 ( start saving on man-hours!). A mozgoepstvo from regional customers of the lost nerve leveled at the races in the crescent of the federal.

This is a picture of the average. It is clear that every client is different, and I also have enough tales about that, as he wrote in his pants with joy client who has received from the customer site. As well as stories about srachek congregate in an position. But it's stories, but the overall picture says that there is no particular difference. The only problem is that when the number of customers rose past a dozen, and I control the position for more than thirty sites - in my head is going a complete nightmare. There is already high time to think about automation. But that's another story.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pyatnitstso - all are leaving somewhere

Offered in honor of the weekend you choose possible topics for posts:.
- Path Moneymaker, Part 3 ( continuation of previous. here. );.
- How to earn on Internet porn - look the part;.
-. think of themselves.
you have fun, then faster and write.

Thanks to everyone who responded to the. the post of November 2. Today consider who was right on the results of comments. Is not too late to express their opinion!.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Begin selling a hybrid mobile phone and Skype- phone

Skype is in conjunction with mobile operator 3 starts selling hybrid telephone Skypephone, which allows to make calls over the cellular network, and IP-telephony network Skype.
Skypephone device made ​​in the case of the classical form factor and is equipped with two-inch display with a resolution of 176 x 220 pixels. The device is equipped with a megapixel camera, wireless controller, Bluetooth, 16 MB of integrated memory and slot for removable flash card standard microSD ( up to 1 GB).
Along with the new phone comes in the form of pre-installed software to interface to the Skype network. Thanks to the owners of the unit will be free to communicate and exchange instant messages with subscribers of IP-telephony network around the world. In addition, Skypephone allows you to make calls in 3G networks.
Skypephone will be available to customers in black and white. The claimed battery life of the battery reaches 320 hours of standby time, 270 minutes of talk time and 170 minutes of video telephony.
On November 2 the unit will be available in the UK mobile phone stores in the operator 3 for the price of 50 pounds (about U.S. $ 100 ). In addition, until the end of this year, sales of the device is scheduled to start in Australia, Austria, Denmark, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland and Sweden.
Source:. Kompyulenta.

Monday, March 26, 2012

provocative post

1) It shall be an unexpected.

If the blog consists of such items, the effect will be less each subsequent. Of course, influences, and general background. It is hard to get attention, which is currently involved in the same provocative post. But once the skies cleared, you can make stuffing. So keep an eye on the blogosphere and write routine articles, podzhizhaya the right moment.

2) The timing and urgency.

Post shoot more, if it falls on a heated public. Therefore it is always interesting positions, where there is a link to a public figure - their famous works in your paper every day. At the same time to finish off articles attract less attention, when everyone is walked on or Bormaleyu Arbaytenu, it is difficult to say something new that will interest a wide.

Is optimal when the hysteria has subsided, and slightly covered with dust. April Fool's joke hardest shot among those who does not keep track of time and when the calendar is not April 1. In fact, the effect can be explained very simply: the information does not disappear, it takes the brain a certain place, and it monitors the up to the moment when a person with dignity, says ' I knew '. So my wife remembers her husband when he last got drunk, and he told her pilezhku old guest Tiffany. T. e. best when the information is no longer pops up in my head every day, but has not yet been replaced by other more vivid memories.

Of course, this does not apply to cases where the subject is constantly reminded of his. For example, a provocation or a joke about the president will be funnier and more noticeable than about Chubais.

3) Conflict.

The nature of laughter - in conflict with the usual picture of the world that which conveys the narrator. The more complicated to put one on another, the more ridiculous the situation is. For example, we have an absurd moment that the president buys bread at the supermarket. Or that the founder of IKEA, the billionaire rides a bike to work. Although you do not mind that your neighbors and friends do the same.

Absurd - probably the most accurate word to write a provocative post. Ironically, many believe even complete idiocy in the text - people are generally trusting. You as the author is only on hand. Who believed amplify the effect of fasting.

There is such a thing as truth, although I believe that absolute truth in terms of human psychology does not exist. You can cut 200 grams of butter, but it is impossible to weigh the validity of the information. What did people seem correct one, while the second will be resent injustice. According to my observations as due to a conflict - will be presented in the article is true or false, it will interest other things being equal the same as if it may sound blasphemous. Few care about the truth, most waiting for the show.

So, the absurd or the truth - it does not matter, as long as it conflicted with the usual pattern with respect to the subject of articles. By the way, is why the positive positions attracted much less attention.

4) Srach.

The greater the struggle, the less you trust. So calm down, the best opponents - it is your readers. Leave them to compete in wit. Nothing would be a fantasy person, as an opportunity to provide verbal resistance to another person.

And if srach not started yet, it means that you can not create a conflict - the picture in my head coincided with the way readers.

5) Support.

Enlist the support of several top bloggers, if they do not interfere in the srach. The chip is here in the dissemination of information theory. While you are the only source - the weight of small articles. As soon as someone else confirm or refute this information, the total weight of the article increases. Therefore, the role played by the weight of personal references. This is the case when A is greater than B of A and B separately together.

The ideal case where the subject of the article spills beyond your blog, and begins to exist separately, creating their own information space. When a man plunge into it, and then get on your blog - the total trust and loyalty will be provided from the first words.

6) The Dirt.

I do not remember who it was said, ' not to say, just to say '. Today, many adhere to this principle, so that nobody will be surprised the next assaults. The same Tinkoff pleased to read and retweet review of various media and blogs. What is there to be embarrassed? .

Well, if you are honest and conscientious people, the most important thing for you - be confident in their own words. Because then you will not care if in the end it turns out that you were wrong. What is important now.

For those who like to take care of karma is always possible to create a comic provocative post - in the style of April 1. And karma is intact, and the people in the comments posretsya.

7) Stay cool.

Do not allow himself to be drawn into a discussion. In the end, a moped is not your. Many provocation ruined irrepressible activity of authors. They forgot that the main instrument to promote such articles - rumor. Do not cut the wings of this bird to his explanations and arguments.

By the way, even boobs attract less attention than a good provocation.

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Female Yandex - banned Resources

Srochnyakom pererasstavil cellars, brought into the order form site. Well, the grid, yes, lots of links. But the thematic content!.

Let's hope that the temporary ban. Maybe it will help purchase linok. : (.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

What is the power of XP

Although the net. XP. now and few people use, mostly by combining the practice of. XP. with other processes, I still want a little bit to deal with the fact of what actually is Extreme Programming. So, here are the basic practices, principles and rules. XP. :.

  1. Onsite. Customer.

  2. Small. Iterations.

  3. Simple. Design.

  4. Continuous. Integration.

  5. Refactoring.

  6. TDD.

  7. Coding. Standards. Conventions.

  8. Pair. Programing.

  9. Collective. Code. Ownership.

  10. Planing. Games.

And now let's see, what is the function of one or another component. XP. during. So:.

a. Onsite. Customer. ru. Small. Iterations. ru. Simple. Design.

We write what that means: the team has the opportunity to interact with customers 'on -the-fly ' to get a new / modified requirements and provide results to the. Review. At the same time due to short iterations are placed close to the problem, the result of the work on which is discussed with the customer and taking steps to correct the course. And by simple technological solutions team can deliver. competitive. rate.


Onsite. Customer. ru. Small. Iterations. ru. Simple. Design. =. Maximum. Agility.

that is, we really get a real flexibility in the design and the lack of ' extra ' work.

2. Continuous. Integration. ru. Refactoring. ru. TDD. ru. Coding. Standards.

Maximum flexibility, which we implemented using practices from paragraph 1, unfortunately, is fraught with problems with the quality of. Yes, in principle, in any manufacturing process should be tools for quality control and assurance. And due to what we can guarantee quality. XP. :.

Continuous Integration allows you to quickly identify and correct coding errors. refactoring. tidies the code that appears under the banner '. Simple. Design. ', And for. TDD. it is necessary as the air. himself. TDD. allows you to maintain the principle of '. SimpleDesign. '. Coding standards in addition to the positive impact on the quality, as required for the other principle. XP. Which will be mentioned below - Joint Ownership Code.


Continuous. Integration. ru. Refactoring. ru. TDD. ru. Coding. Standard. =. Quality. Assurance.

3. Pair. Programing. ru. Collective. Code. Ownership. ru. Planing. Games.

This means that the whole team together planning tasks in the course of clarifying and explaining the essence of the problem for everyone, and especially its implementation (yes, yes. and killing the hours of 2-4 on the. Planing. Session. in each iteration). And then the whole team together to program, changing pairs and carrying the cross. Code. Review. Due to this we are not afraid of such things as sudden illness of key developers, vacation, moving to another project, dismissal (:)) and other garbage that is sometimes so inappropriately merges all the planning in the toilet. We also reduce the cost of entry for new developers to the team.


Pair. Programing. ru. Collective. Code. Ownership. ru. Planing. games. =. Reliable. Process.

So, we have determined that the claimed components. XP. give us the following values:.

  1. High Flexibility.

  2. high quality.

  3. High Reliability Process.

In the next post we'll look at what else there is the relationship between the elements. XP. For example, due to what practices we can minimize the amount of documentation.

Casio presents its version of the phone in waterproof case

news_13620_1_MDIt seems that global mobile phone manufacturers are ... Now, Casio has released a phone W61CA, which is protected electronics. It is made in the form factor of ... W61CA is positioned primarily as a phone for people leading active lives, but the appearance of the apparatus, its smooth lines and sophistication suggests that this is still a mobile phone for women. It is present calorie calculator, timer and distance.

New products will be available in four different colors of the body - gray- green, yellow, silver and white. She will be in Japan very soon, but specific information about the date of commencement of sales, as well as price and the possible appearance of this phone in other countries, there is no.

We consider its technical specifications:.
- 2.7-inch QVGA-screen;.
- 5.1 megapixel camera with Casio EXILIM, autofocus and eight times digital zoom;.
- 100 MB internal memory;.
- Expansion slot for microSD card standard maximum capacity of 2GB;.
- High-speed infrared port;.
- 50h106h18 size, 9 mm, weight 132 g. ;.
- The receiver is mobile TV standard DMB TV;.
- Programs to view files Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF.

Friday, March 23, 2012

VTB 24: 2007-2011

loan repaid. Incidentally, this was my first serious business loan at low interest over a long period of time and in dollars, which is rapidly falling. Who knew that then he will rise and growth will make it more profitable loans in rubles.

Then VTB24 will also credit card in a ridiculous amount of 48,000 and a year later cancel for late committed by the person to whom I gave the map. Took and took - I had never belonged to this map seriously, people got trandyuley, and later was dismissed, though not for this reason and because of the direction of reducing.

After the crisis began VTB24 kink. Made my friend to the black list, without explaining the reasons, although the prepaid credit for a couple of years before the end of. They began to break down constantly receiving money machines, and the queue to the cashier elongated. And the write-off system never missed an opportunity to pull the time - today, the operator has notified me of the delay, but write-downs on the map to lay the sum of six times the amount of delay. Feedback cancellation - it is a nameless card on which you bring the money, and with her ​​loan payments are debited.

But now all. An hour in the queue for the last 5 minutes of payment. The statement was signed today will be the last write-offs, and bye-bye VTB24!.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yandex Market is looking for books by ISBN

Yandex. Market has enabled the search range of books on international standardized numbers - International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

In order to find the book you want to Yandex. Market, but the author and title, you can specify its ISBN and the system will display all items in this book.

According to Sergei Burdov, project manager of Yandex, a similar improvement of the system once again highlight the Russians' reputation as lovers of reading.

For example, searching for the book ...

Well, for the garbage?

all. Left to cure nerves of the sea. Wait There's buzz: -20, frosty wind in your face.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Innovative techniques distinguish individuals


ScienceDaily (Mar. 16, 2011 ) -. not. surprisingly, the most numerically social network on the Internet - it is. Facebook. Recognizing people. person. very important for our engagement in society and is a major cause of visual perception that researchers are trying to figure out how the human brain distinguishes. people.

In a study recently published in the journal Journal of Vision, scientists used a rather novel approach - a method. which. sent to the brain are weak, but the signals at frequent appearance and disappearance. photos. at a constant rate for. evaluation of its sensitivity to the perception of the distinctive features of. people. This technique is called. a fixed potential of the visual. (. wages fund. ).

'. If you measure the overall activity of the human brain at a time when he looks at one. face. , Then it is impossible to distinguish from brain activity at a time when a person looks at a completely different. face. '. said. Bruno Rossion,. Dr.. ,. researcher at the Institute of Psychology and Neuroscience Institute at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. '. That's why we rely on the method by which brain activity is compared with repeated demonstration of a person or with a consistent demonstration of various. people. '.

During the experiment, 12 participants were shown a selection of different. people. Which appeared on the screen with a frequency of 3.5 persons per second. The results showed that brain signals were much stronger in the sequential display of different. people. Than the repeated demonstration of one and the same person.

The research team was pleasantly surprised by such a large difference in the results obtained after only fifteen minutes after the start of the experiment, and at the same time impressed by the fact that this difference was not observed when. people. were inverted. The study also confirmed that it was the back of the right hemisphere of the brain responsible for perception. people.

The ability to recognize. people. often lost in the sudden damage the back of the brain in neurodegenerative. disease. x, such as Alzheimer's disease, in various forms of dementia and social disorders like autism. Rossion. drew attention to the fact that the advantage of using a highly sensitive method in the wages fund is that it can be objectively tested and compared in different groups of people - adults, infants, children, patients with neurological diseases, disorders of people with long recognition. people. - Without any complicated instructions, and long-term testing.

mothers devoted to

My mother is the most expensive for each person. March 8, we are always greeted primarily mothers. Congratulations, and now, although there is a Mother's Day. This is natural and right. Let a little sad, though, the movie once again remind us all how important my mother to us:.

In six minutes, until Monday

A few words about the box: we continue to invest. Purchased blowtorch for PVC pipes and Electrokos. Moved to an office in downtown. hired a manager. all of the budget. Prepared for the press a lot of models. But you have to make another big pile. In general, business, though simple at first glance a lot of work with the minutiae. Example? . But the oil to it, we got ourselves. To ask Fraser cutters, grinders to want to have cut-off wheels. Like a cheap little thing, but a man of her absence is not so convenient. But overall I am satisfied and relaxed - although this business does not make money yet, but does not put us on their knees to their development. Develop in the future and ohotku. And I'm curious to go back at least a little off.

Launched the club during the test period for all options exchanges. The first reviews are encouraging. Interest in the stock exchange also has a. We've added filters, raised the minimum price. In general, all according to plan. I think this weekend will finish play on my own and start - your. Optimizers must be satisfied. I am very pleased with the almost. That's how the optimizer. As the owner, I have not really realized what was happening.

Bitumen. reborn. In the stock market entered a partner, hired a programmer. Within a month, plan to completely change the system of credits and placements. Exchange banner will get more chances, but will keep, including the auction system and a flexible approach to formats. In particular will be a fixed location.

The situation on the working draft somewhat flattened. We almost passed the magazine, nearly finished tendering portal and only one -it-yourself - know -who picks a media guide.

Recently, more and more began to ask, what is more beneficial to SEO in terms of earnings. I bow to that for the best - option is to seek the sale of real things via the Internet, does not matter - goods or services. Ultimately, all these links, banners and other virtual goods - only helps to sell real goods. I think that will do a separate post on this subject, trying to think how best to arrange this business.

By the way, there is an interesting idea to product. If anyone is interested and you know who to make the idea of ​​the brain associated with the definition of the facility within 300- 500m, write to - share. Especially Googled - without thinking anything like there was no.

Before the weekend at the club turned a detective. And nothing is over. But my nerves shook me. The conclusion made ​​only one: sometimes you have to be easier. And easier to relate to life.

The club added to the sale of the base R-Base - 100 million. keywords from the statistics lira. The cost for members is reduced relative to the official. I figured that for those who are going to buy any software or database, the cost of getting to the club compensated for one or two of purchase. But this is so, the argument.

Semrash. provided for testing missile -account. play around. wait for the post. Although the deal is not so easy. Despite the simplicity of the report.

By the way, I bought last week cushion with buckwheat husks. It smells like a brick, and buckwheat to the touch. But almost got used to. Although at times I want her back with polyester beads.

In Kaliningrad, the rains came. Well, that summer rains - nezatyazhnye. Pour in the morning and then dry the whole day. But there is no previous heat. Girls dressed pantyhose, guys pulled jerseys. And in two weeks will be a day of. I'll have to blame this time.

In recent years, only one thought: it's time to leave, it's time for vacation.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Report for February 2008

Deluxe - 209vmz (by report).
Sapa - 310vmz (actual removal).
Ksapa - 650vmz (actual removal).
YAN - 4796r. (somewhere 195vmz, a fact).
Selling links - 12000r. ( 490vmz, a fact).
Bride. py - 5vmz (the report).
Ruklik - 214vmz (the report).
CMC - 17vmz (the report).
Runner - 50vmz ( de facto).
Ranpeys - ZERO.
Total 2140vmz.

2 servers - 300vmz.
2 content manager - 200vmz.
Total 500vmz.

Profit: 1640vmz.

Dynamics of positive, falling profits and ruklika sap due to the large number of CMV spending on gravies and purchase options. And apparently this trend will continue.

The leader of the month ksapa with than her and congratulate.

The report does not include a penny of seozavra, spending on domains - find shareware that kicking domain hosting, which I bought.

XAP - the leader of the month! .

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Paragraph: the competition among launcher'ov, selective colorization of photos fast, OpenStreetMap in GNOME and the announcement of KRP

kupfer. - A tool to run and manage. By running the program refers to a fast start for the team ( sort of fancy Alt F2), and employed to control variegated plugins. With them, you will have access to browser bookmarks, contacts of IM, search, twitter, etc. n. Kupfer is not the first member of launcher'ov on my computer.
I am using for this purpose gnome-do, do not reshuffle took place only for aesthetic reasons. With the launch of both tools to cope equally well, and add-on work in different ways. For example, a plugin to interact with Rhythmbox'om in Do less work. First, if your music collection from different artists have albums with similar names, probably, that appear in the gnome-do will be only one of them. In my case it was the album with the title ' Acoustics '. Secondly, gnome-do, in contrast to his python- brother, refused to show album covers. The second point, perhaps took root only for me, as the official screen shots to the contrary. The main drawback kupfer lies on the surface, visually it looks weaker than the older brother.

tintii. - Tiny program for selective colorization (. Selective color. ). Curiously, the version for Windows and MacOS are distributed in the form of paid plug- in for Photoshop. A version of linux- free (GPLv2) and self-sufficient, t. e. requires no additional software. Use tintii outrageously simple: upload a photo, select the required color on miniatures, export results. It is necessary to make a reservation, not necessarily the result is perfect, I had to fade a couple of artifacts in gimp. In the eye catches only negative - the images are always located overlooking. Below is an example of handling literally ' two clicks ':.

Emerillon. - A map viewer. OpenStreetMap. On some functions so far, recently released version of the release of 0. 1 ( for users of Ubuntu Karmic have. PPA. ). If the emerillon ' tie ' the possibility of geo-referencing images, GNOME will get the missing component for the F-Spot. The picture, of course, edited. The explanations below.

Minsk and invite guests to visit Ubuntu Karmic Release Party. Detail. link.

Router MWNAPR- 1 produced by EPCT / Minitar

News_13328_1_MDA router or a router - a network device that provides forwarding of data packets between network segments based on network specifications and internal settings. Router MWNAPR- 1 produced by EPCT / Minitar - a compact, classically designed device. The size of the enclosure - 30 x 187 x 100 mm. Fourteen LEDs located on the front panel of the router, allow you to monitor its operation. A rigorous external device would look appropriate in any office space, and the home environment from him, too, is not much affected.

It is unlikely that someone might want to have four home LAN- port (10/100M), a WAN- port (10/100M) and support for DHCP ( Server / Client). Router MWNAPR- one can ' give ' Internet subscribers 253 LAN - this equipment is the place somewhere in the back of a large enterprise. In completing the device includes three external antennas, which can be removed if you do not use the wireless capabilities the device or, alternatively, be replaced by a more powerful, if necessary. This unit you can buy in bulk at our website. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 2500 rubles.

Portable external hard drive from Toshiba 400GB

News_18207_1_MDGood news for fans of storing information on external media. Toshiba has released a nice external hard disk capacity of 400GB! . The model 400GB is designed for consumers who need storage music libraries, home videos, personal information and other digital files.

The new hard drive from Toshiba has a USB 2. 0, can store about 114,000 digital photos, 105,000 music files, 177 hours of video in DVD-quality or 47 hours of HD video. The drive is equipped with NTI Shadow software, user-friendly interface that lets you protect data from unauthorized access. 400GB model goes on sale in October this year. Price new items still in question.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Phone Onyx Liscio.

news_14290_1_MDNewly formed British company Onyx announced a mobile phone called Liscio. It is a compact, ultra-light unit in a standard form factor, which has an unusual stylish futuristic design. Such an appearance might suggest that this cell phone has some good features. However, the reality is exactly the opposite. The first thing that catches your eye, it is the lack of even the most unpretentious Liscio camera that for the present day, when 95 percent of phones are able to take pictures, it is unacceptable.

Second - it is a tiny displeychika diagonal 1.1 inches and a resolution of 96x96 pixels. On this screen movies just do not look. Of course, this news has advantages, for example, FM-radio, Bluetooth ( though version 1. 2), 128 MB of internal memory and card slot standard microSD up to 1GB, integrated mp3-player and low weight of 60 grams. But even these advantages as a whole can not compensate for the shortcomings of the phone. Even before he was hopelessly out of date and unlikely to be popular, especially considering the price - 255 USD.
Price: $ 255.

ECD- 552 -H - capture the reality in a digital form

News_13442_1_MDKeep the best moments of your life, using a new compact camcorder ECD- 552 -H from the company HK Uranus. The developers tried to create the most compact device, do no harm with the quality of the recording material. And they got it. Indeed, the camcorder is easy to handle, because the device is almost entirely fit in the palm of your hand. The quality of the recorded material depends on many factors, including the applied optics, matrix, and the chip hardware encryption.

Camcorder ECD- 552 -H operates on the basis of 3.1 megapixel CMOS- matrix, which provides video recording VGA resolution of 640x480 pixels. The device has 32 ​​MB of internal memory, however, to record three-dimensional movie is supposed to use SD / MMC- memory card, for which there is a corresponding slot. Given the widespread card reader, the recorded file can be easily ' throw ' to a computer or viewed on a domestic DVD-player with MMC- connector. Visual observation of the subject through a superb 2-inch LCD display. Regardless of the camera angle and position of the user can achieve an optimal view screen, equipped with a rotating flip. The cost of the device with the ability to purchase in Russia: 3750 rubles.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Americans have developed a technology that is ten times increases the capacity of the battery

technology_for_batteries_big_1Stanford University reported on the development of technology that significantly increases the capacity of lithium batteries used in cameras, cell phones and other portable electronic devices.

New battery stores 10 times more energy than the existing version of lithium battery. If today is a portable computer equipped with a fully charged battery can last about two hours, the new battery pack increases the duration of working time to 20 hours, writes Washington Prfile.

This discovery could revolutionize not only in consumer electronics, but also in other areas. The new technology allows the theoretically more efficient electric vehicles and store energy at home.

Drastic increase in battery capacity was made possible through the use of nanotechnology. For the manufacture of lithium batteries traditionally used carbon. Previously, different laboratories have repeatedly tried to use silicon ( in the form of particles or thin films ), which has a much higher capacity than carbon, but failed - the fact that the silicon components of the battery rapidly ' aging ' and lose their capacity for work. The use of silicon nanotubes ( diameter one-thousandth the thickness of a sheet of paper ), enabled to solve this problem.

The inventors believe that the technology of production of new cells is relatively simple and therefore industrial production can be started in the foreseeable future.
CyberSecurity. ru.

In Finland, will Angry Birds Land

It seems that the casual game Angry Birds will soon materialize in the Finnish amusement park and recreation. Angry Birds Land in a place Särkänniemi Adventure Park will be the first of many theme parks with Angry Birds, which aims to ... This was reported by Harri Koponen (Harri Koponen), executive vice president of marketing and licensing company Rovio, speaking of the cult game developer called Angry Birds.

Koponen has promised that all the other details will be disclosed during the year and are available in the blog and Särkänniemi page on Facebook.

... Born in Finland, Angry Birds won the hearts of people of all ages around the world. And this is precisely what we need our Park recreation ... ,.

- The head of Särkänniemi Adventure Park Miikka Seppala (Miikka Seppälä).

Do not be amiss to note that over the past two years, the brand Angry Birds Rovio company earned more than one hundred million dollars.