Friday, May 25, 2012

G-spot in women

Oh, this notorious point of G ( G ) in women. How many myths built around it, how many guys izmuchali a search for her, and women and even more so. But it is! .

Internal vs. External Recruitment: Who will win?

Internal recruitment - a favorite source of selection of HR- s large stable companies. It requires strong support from other HR processes, in particular for the effective organization of internal recruitment is important to develop a system for succession planning and performance management of staff.

To make an internal selection to be effective, it is important not just to offer employees the opportunity to move from one position to another, but to build relationships with other business processes in line with. HR. rules and policies to provide executives with all the necessary information to study and work. The company must present relevant information about internal candidates, including information on their progress in work, training and development.

At first glance, it seems, what could be simpler than the internal selection? . Not for the better.

Internal Recruitment: Pros and Cons.

  • Contribution to the development of employee loyalty, because they get the opportunity to grow within the company and eventually get a new job and move up the career ladder. Due to the system of succession planning and the right motivation, the employees would be unlikely to seek new career opportunities in foreign markets.

  • Internal recruitment helps reduce the costs required for training and adaptation of new employees. Furthermore, even if the employee refuses to take this position, his refusal will not be a big problem for the organization.

  • In. result of internal selection for open positions can go a few candidates from the same department. Heads of departments should be able to protect their interests,. because they are responsible for smooth operation.

  • If a company focused solely on the selection of the internal pool of candidates, respectively, it does not come ...

External Recruitment: Pros and Cons.

  • One of the advantages of external recruitment is an influx of new people. External recruitment allows us to define the right requirements for the vacancy and select those candidates who best meet the position and expectations of the organization.

  • Find candidates for external resources increases the popularity of the labor market and further expand its ...

  • On the other hand, external recruitment requires considerable effort and expense HR department in the selection process.

What kind of choice do you prefer? .

Monday, May 21, 2012

Funny pictures of animals

Lay podborochku zhivotinku funny, simply. kotomatritsy. Viewing these images has a positive impact on your well-being and elevates mood. Ministry of Health, at least, so says) )).

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Прикольные котоматрицы

Прикольные котоматрицы

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Unwritten rules of management.

Always check the research and development for the presence of real values. Do Newton's law.

The sequence is as important as good decisions on their own. Choosing the direction of focus, put measurable goals and monitor them from time to time to ensure that the decision to bring the intended benefits. Under the ' avoid Newton's law ', I mean, ' that for every action there is an action by an equal and opposite in direction '. Keep this in mind, because your every decision may give rise to effects of second-and third-order. Monitor the progress of your plans to ensure that these effects do not lead to a counter and are not counter-productive, and if so, take appropriate action.

At Raytheon, program managers use a variety of techniques that allow them to assess the progress of the programs and make necessary adjustments.

When used properly, these methods are a powerful tool for management and conservation programs on the right course. Nevertheless, it is vital that the manager has used such methods for deep analysis of the program and the progress of its implementation, not just for show.

DW. Another very messy formulated a rule, such as were good, but about one thing and done entirely about something else. A passage about the methods used monitoring software - simply the banality of useless information.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


24-27 November 2009.

The seminar program includes the following questions:.

a. The role of information management in managing the health care setting (MPI). Optimization of information flow. Preparation of operational data for decision-making.

2. Review and analysis of existing information systems. The practice of adoption and use. Features of systems.

3. Construction and development of information systems LPU. Defining the goals of information. Adapting the system to the specific tasks of medical institutions. Integration of different information systems into a common information system of health care facilities. The interaction between the medical information system (IS ), and medical and diagnostic equipment. Eliminate duplication of data. Computer network. Confidentiality, protection and preservation of information. Legal security of the information system.

4. The results of the use of information systems. Improving the quality of care and services. Reducing unproductive expenditures, including medicines. Optimization of the financial activities related to the provision of medical services. Recording and analysis of indicators. Ensuring transparency of financial flows to the head, the identification of places of inefficiency. Reducing failure of OMC. Organization of effective integration of pharmaceuticals and medical materials. Improving the efficiency of staff.

5. Organization of the Information Department (ACS). The number, responsibilities and qualifications of workers. The interaction of information with other health care facility. Teaching methods and motivation of medical personnel and other departments to work in the information system.

6. Visit the All-Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine. A. M. Nikiforov Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. Demonstration of the information system. Familiarization with the organization and experience. Professional Workstations. Electronic medical records. Laboratory Information System. radiological IP.

7. Organization of Remote Consulting. Hardware and software.

8. Medical Information Network. Current status and prospects of development.

9. New Information in the Health Region. concept. Modern organizational methods for solving typical problems. Practical use of GIS in public health.

10. round table. exchange of experience.

classes are conducted. leading practitioners of St. Petersburg.

All seminar participants are provided. set of background material. topics of the seminar.

For the participants of the seminar organized. daily lunch and an interesting cultural program.

All participants shall be issued a Certificate of short-term training in ... Experience of St. Petersburg ... 06. 2008 ).

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Penis pump!

Увеличить член бесплатно

Pump any muscle in our time is not a problem. The set of specially designed exercises and ' chemistry ' can make a pumped. macho. almost any guy. But the beauty where there is a proportion, one of the great artists said that wise phrase. Yes, a beautiful sport and inflated body is the key to success with the ladies, but what if you pumped up torso and biceps are not able to eclipse the size and volume of the main reproductive organ of a man? . I will not blogged,. how to increase member. or reduced by surgery. I want to tell you how you can. member of the pump. ! .

Imagine a special device. Love Muscle Toner. - Mini dumbbells for. pumping penis. Girls, if you do not know what gift to give your young person, I recommend thinking about purchasing this device, combining business with pleasure, at least, if a man has a sense of humor, he will appreciate it! .

Увеличить член бесплатно

Увеличить член бесплатно

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Taras Grigorovich Shevchenko (My dopovіd )

Taras Shevchenko - voіstinu ... Vіn not vivchav Zhittya rіdnogo people yak sposterіgach and alive yogo Zhittya, soul, thoughts, mrіyami kruzhlyav on With Ukraine ( ... i heart with very ling in the dark at Sadochok Ukraїnu. ... ...

Vіn LUVs Sean krіpaka i became Valadar tsarstvі in the spirit. Vіn LUVs krіpakom i have become veletnem tsarstvі lyudskoї culture. Vіn LUVs samoukom i vkazav novі, svіtlі th vіlnі Way professor teaching the book i. Ten lіt vіn tomivsya pid vagoyu rosіyskoї soldatskoї drill, but for Rosії zrobiv bіlshe, nіzh ten peremozhnih armіy,. cauldron. Іvan Franco.

In krіpatskomu selі Morintsі on zakrіpachenіy Cherkaschinі zakrіpachenoї Ukrainy muffled tax dnі rabskoї pratsі to one hundred іz volodarіv lyudskih shower. Nepomіchenoyu yak on the hour zalishilas podіya, yak about Bulo zrobleno chergovy writing in metrichnіy knizі Bogoslovskoї village church Morintsі pid heading ... The inhabitants of the village Morinets Gregory Shevchenko and his wife Catherine had a son Taras. Molitvoval and baptized erey Alex Bazarinsky. The number of Baptism - 28. ...

I. nіhto todі not mіg Podumat, scho became podіya, yak pov'yazhe Morintsі svіtom s great, will give a slit Barwa svіtovomu Zhittya. Shcho narodivsya one chiє іm'ya camp in a number of poets іz naybіlshimi lyudstva.

Dev'yatirіchnim vtrativ matіr, odinadtsyatirіchnim - dad. Sirіtsky lad then to dyaka nosiv water, then the priest LUVs pogonichem, already becoming a servant does not poki pomіschika Paul Engelgarda. At a time Tsey dyaka vіn already navchivsya letters. Now nomu prokinulas zhaga malyuvati.

Before his death, dad, zapovіdayuchi svoє dіtyam Lane, vіn nemovbi prorіk Tarasovі Especially the share of ... Vіn not bude Lyudin abiyakoyu; s yogo viyde abo schos Duzhe good, abo bike ledascho; of yogo spadschina to menі nіchogo not znachitime abo, abo nіchogo not help ...

1831 rock Engelgardt pereїhav to St. Petersburg i s taking him Taras Young. Ban when ye knew about zahoplennya krіpaka i vіddav yogo pіdmaystri to have a decorative painter Vasil Shiryaev. Vіdchuv polegshennya Lad - yogo fantazіya otrimala prostіr. Vіn not obmezhuєtsya deprivation zavdannyami vchitelya, pratsyuє samostіyno, walking in the garden i s Lіtny nature zmalovuє marmurovі statuї. SAME there vіn poznayomivsya іz countryman, student Akademії Mistetstvo Іvanom Soshenko, zavdyaki yakomu zblizivsya s worthy predstavnikami rosіyskoї іntelіgentsії.

22 rock in 1838 kvіtnya zhittі Taras Shevchenko zavdyaki zusillyam to. Briullov In. Zhukovskogo, B. Grigorovich, The. Venetsіanova, Є. Grebіnki she became іnshih nezabutnya podіya: yogo vikupili s krіpatstva. In the lottery rozіgrali spetsіalno namalovany portrait of Karl Briullov Zhukovskogo i otrimanі groshі vіddali Engelgardtu yak vikup.

Zgoda Taras Shevchenko staє student Іmperatorskoї akademії Mistetstvo i vchitsya in klasі of professor Karl Bryullov. At the time Tsey vіn is the author of LUVs vіrshіv she sing. Two Rocky pіslya vikupu іz krіpatstva St. Peterburzі drukuєtsya Persha zbіrka vіrshіv Taras Shevchenko ...

In 1843 travnі young rock, ale vzhe vіdomy pismennik i virushaє artist on batkіvschinu pіslya trivaloї rozluki s it i skladaє ofortіv album ...

Pіslya vipusku s akademії, 1845 Taras Shevchenko in the rock suddenly priїzdit Ukraїnu i vlashtovuєtsya spіvrobіtnikom Kiїvskoї arheografіchnoї komіsії. Malyuє portrait stvoryuє handwritten zbіrnik vіrshіv she sing ... 24 breast vіn zaneduzhuє i nastupnogo day domі Svoge pereyaslavskogo friend lіkarya Kozachkovskogo in ochіkuvannі smertі Pichet nevmiruschy ... On Happiness, znovu pіdtverdilasya old mudrіst of those scho zapovіt Lyudin not vbivaє and ukrainian poezіya zbagatilasya slit odnієyu hawser.

Oduzhavshi sings dovіdavsya, in the scho - Kiєvі dіє Kirilo Mefodіїvske tovaristvo, a young professor ocholyuvane M. Kostomarov. I Z'yasuvav those scho meta tsієї antikrіposnitskoї, anti- tsarskoї organіzatsії - fallen autocracy i ob'єdnannya slov'yanskih narodіv a federative - parlamentsku respublіku. Shevchenko staє active member of the i lіderom lіvogo Creel tovaristva. Kolya Petrov, having seen їh provocateur, Shevchenko perebuvav Poltavі i have about Aresht, scho vzhe yshli, when ye knew not nіchogo. Yak zgaduє Alumni Best Kiїvskogo unіversitetu Anton Soltanovsky, sings, yaky pryamuvav on vesіllya Kostomarov in suprovodі pomіschika Solonіna pіd'їhav to Dnipra. Rіchka very filling - not crossing Bulo, a great deprivation poshtovy choven hilitavsya bіlya coast. Quarterly naglyadach, yaky s EYAD gendarmes have perebuvav chovnі, Shevchenko is the transport vіdmovivsya yogo tovarisha. Lachey pіslya of yak Solonіn poobіtsyav їm vinagorodu garni, pogodivsya. In chovnі, yak z'yasuvalosya, check CAME on Shevchenko, i spochatku vіdmovili tіlki what scho boyalisya, Abi Shevchenko vstig perehovati yakus rіch chi manuscript. In the middle of rіchki naglyadach pred'yaviv poetovі rozporyadzhennya i ogolosiv yogo zaareshtovanim.

6 kvіtnya v'yaznya Shevchenko vіdpravili to St. Petersburg. Odne іz zapitan, put the yak in yomu lihoї pam'yatі third vіddіlі, was: ...

Vіdpovіd nezabarnoyu bula: ... Turning to the Malorosіyu I pochuv slit bіlshe i gіrshe. I pobachiv zlidnі i zhahlive prignіchennya villagers pomіschikami. i all i Tse robilosya robitsya іmenem sovereign i Uryadov. ...

28 herbal rock Nikolai I. 1847 vlasnoruchno appending to it a Verdict Shevchenko: ...

Poet dispatched an ordinary soldier in the Orenburzky okremy Corps de check on the nogo desyatirіchne hell. Lachey five ferocious rock in 1858 was allowed to yomu turn to St. Petersburg.

Two Rocky kolishnogo krіpaka i soldier Taras Shevchenko, s weakening of Health Protection, ale nezlalshoyu soul, Іmperatorska akademіya Mistetstvo svoїm dіysnim paying member i of the robot kraschі trichі pospіl pile up srіbnoyu Medallie.

1860 vtretє rock, and a poet Zhittya vostannє viyshov ... E drive tsogo reviewer of the newspaper ... Now you at every turn meet people who come to the delight of Mr.. Shevchenko, students, even in Little Russian and then just to read his poem ...

In retsenzії magazine ... Yogo mіstse order Mіtskevichem h i Pushkіnim ... Rock ranіshe tsya Dumka bula practical realіzovana leyptsizkim vidannyam zbіrki ...

In ostannі Rocky Zhittya Taras Grigorovich spravdі LUVs otocheny glibokoyu poshanoyu democratic kіl Rosії that of Ukraine, de ... Usvіdomlennya tsogo robilo schaslivim Shevchenko, more on nemaє svіtі vischoї radostі, nіzh vіdchuttya prichetnostі dolі to the people, to the pressing problems yogo.

Zahopleny tvorchіstyu i Gromadska right yak spravzhnіy patrіot, Shevchenko hotіv zrobiti slit bіlshe for svoєї batkіvschini. Ukrainian malyatam vіn adresuє triptych him ... However, Nagle 's death perekreslila Bagat noble poet zadumіv. Vrantsі 10 Bereznaya 1861 rock vіn charter hotіv spustitisya to maysternі, ale spіtknuvsya at gatherings, falling i died.

Golovna yogo Zhittya book on Happiness, todі vzhe bula written trіumfalnu yakoї move the hearts mіlyonіv nіscho could zupiniti.